Friday, April 25, 2014

A Living Work of Art

My husband recently celebrated a birthday and we decided to hit the town to celebrate.  We ate at an overpriced steakhouse (I'm not name dropping because they don't deserve the publicity) and enjoyed the Waterfront at night.  I had to force him to take this picture because I left my camera at home.  A living statue.  I thought that it was so cool the discipline that it takes to not move or talk, I have to do both or die.  My husband was  like "He just wants money!" and I was like, "Give him some!"  The statue broke protocol and shook my hand.  It was warm that night and as you can see he is dressed for colder climates, he deserved the money.  

This statue made me meditate on some things.  Like,  how I need to "Be still and know that he is God". Not the statue of course but our creator.  Sometimes we get so anxious for things, we want immediate satisfaction and it doesn't always happen.  More times than not we see it come along later.  Patience is a virtue that is beyond necessary in Christianity.  In this now, Now, NOW, generation that we live in.  Sometimes we just need to be still and listen for the still, small voice of God.  

From South Africa With Love,

Thursday, April 17, 2014

High Tea

Tea is a main staple in every household here.  For one of the brides we had a Kitchen Tea, which is our version of a bridal shower.  I made shortbread, which is highly temperamental ( At one point I wanted to through it across the kitchen, I refrained).  It was my first High Tea, so I learned to make quite a few things that I have never ventured to make before.  Cucumber sandwiches was one, I found the recipe on Pinterest.  It was a Downtown Abbey recipe!  I personally think that cucumbers belong in salads or pickled, but never on bread.  As in Rome........  It was a lot of work but also a lot of fun.  One of the ladies from our church provided the space to host the tea.

I even made the doily decorations, glue guns are from hell.

Our dessert table.

I saw these on...... you guessed it Pinterest.  And thought what an awesome idea for cookies at a Hight Tea.  They are supposed to be tea bags, if you were wondering.

They came out excellent if I do say so myself (And I do!).

A chocolate bath.

Purdy!!!! (Translation: Pretty)

A decadent tower of delight.

Meringue, very sweet.  I purchased these.  Haven't mastered the art yet.


From South Africa With Love,