Hello Friends!
My husband preached a revival in George (Actually the name of a city here) and we went on an adventure with the Van Stadden family. We had a blast. We visited a landmark known as the Cango Caves located in Oudtshoorn, South Africa. It was beautiful and humid with very small spaces that we had to maneuver through. Very small places. Our guide was gracious enough to regale us with tales of people being stuck in the caves for 11 hours and having to be drenched with cooking oil, dishwashing liquid, and butter to be freed from tight places. I wanted to leave. Nevertheless we entered at our own risk. Here are the pictures of my harrowing experience.
The entrance looks big enough right?
Trust me there are no thoughts of food or drink at this point. And who would light one up?? Natural gases people!!!
This looks like a monkey to me.
We were told that the African people lived inside the caves at one time. We were also told that a Dutch man discovered them and had nothing but a lantern to guide him. When you get deep inside the cave you realize how ridiculous both stories are due to the many drop offs and lack of exits. I can believe that natives lived in the entrance of the cave as pictured but no further.
Interesting family gathering.
A map of the caves. There were two routes to choose from. We chose the adventure tour. Just call me Indiana.
And there were bats also, just like on the ticket stub.
Yep. It got darker.
Very pretty.
So this one looks like a dog to me. Or Batman.
This rock belongs in the NBA.
So this point of the tour had awesome lighting for photographic purposes. The tour in front us were taking forever. They went over the allotted time to take photos, so they shut off the lights so that they would leave and we could take photos. They left then caught sight of the light and came back. Some people are clueless and rude.
It looks as if that giant rock is balancing on the stalagmites.
Beautiful formation of stalactites.
Not a very good picture but the girl here is named Leslie her and her husband Olaf (Frozen, yeah I know) were on their honeymoon and were on the tour with our group. They hail from Finland. They had gone bungee jumping the day before. Young love is so adventurous. She looks tired, hot and sweaty. How we all felt.
I made them stop and wave, this was not done of free will. Teenagers.
We had to climb up The Devil's Chimney. That was the name of this particular part of the cave. It was a fitting name. My knees hurt for days, I banged them on every rock in there to find my footing.
Olaf coming through the Letter Box. We had to slide out on out stomaches after we fit through a small opening. The pictures are blurry because I asked my son to take them, he didn't wait for it to focus. I think that at this point he was delusional.
We had to climb these narrow steps to get to and from our destination. If everything in big in Texas then South Africa is the opposite.
Some of the names of the catacombs. The Coffin, never been in one it was an experience. One that the dead should only experience.
There was no love in that tunnel!!! That is where the lady got her whole tour stuck for 11 hours. No way in, no way out for 11 hours. I consider that a hostage situation. In the defense of the staff, she was told that she was too fluffy to go in but she did it anyway. It was the smallest and tightest place in the cave. They call it the Tunnel of Love because of how close the walls are to one another. You have to be somewhat fit to make it through though. As we were leaving another tour was behind us and one of the ladies was at least 80. I was like seriously, you took her money for this thing? I hope that she is not taking the adventure tour or the Coffin may very well end up being hers. My son is very athletic and he broke a sweat, the rest of us were hurting. We had so much fun though, I so enjoyed myself and plan on going back in the summer.
Cango Caves!!!! If ever in South Africa you have to go!!!!
From South Africa With Love,