Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Beast

For every Beauty there is a Beast.  I've shown some very beautiful pictures of South Africa.  There is another side that you won't find advertised by travel agents, but it is still there.  Those houses are called Wendy's, they are made out of sheet metal and have no insulation, when it rains it sounds like a thousand horses running on their roof. It gets very cold at night and very hot in the summer, like living in an oven.  The Wendy's are cheaper to live in than paying rent so many people have them, some can't afford them and sleep anywhere that they can lay their heads.  The crime rate is high so all of the beautiful homes have barbed wire, dogs, alarms and security. It's amazing how you can have so much and still be a prisoner in your own home.


  1. back in PR my mom used to live in something like that time she had my two baby sisters living with her and I remember I went to visit her and I left crying because of the condition of the place it didn't have a bathroom or a regular shower no lights and barely any water it was made out of scrap wood but the roof what's the same as the ones in the picture. it is sad that for some of this people it's a mentality issue. Idon'tremember why my mom was there I was maybe about eight or nine years I just remember the place itself I would never forget it.. It just breaks my heart to see this..
